
Yuren Sun | 孙钰仁

Stanford University
Master of Science (Expected June 2024)
Pronouns: she/her
Name pronunciation
yurensun [at] stanford [dot] edu

About Me

I am a second-year Master student in Computer Science at Stanford University. I received my BS degree at University of Wisconsin-Madison in Computer Sciences, Economics, and Mathematics.

I am interested in software engineer positions preferably related to database systems and data processing. Previously, I interned at Sisu Data and worked on the staging reconciliation project to reduce data staging time and the query observability project involving collecting query execution metadata to help engineers understand the causes of slow queries. I interned at AWS to develop a non-data dependent issues to improve debugging abilities for Redshift.

On the research side, I am interested in database systems and data of any kind with their application, especially with machine learning, on other fields, such as Ecology, Conservation, and Biology, to try to solve challenging problems. I applied the analysis of acoustic data to the research of the marine ecosystem. I work on the applications of neural network models in the classifications of animals and pseudomonas sequence data.

Currently, I am applying ML to frog detection and developing pipeline to detect frog calls across years to help biologists understand the frog mating pattern. During my Undergraduate study, I had the opportunity to utilize Machine Learning in the research on the rainforest biodiversity for the project “Stethoscope for the Rainforest” in the Sound Forest Lab with professor Zuzana Burivalova, collaborating with professor Claudia Solis Lemus and professor Daniel Pimentel Alarcon.

Check out some of my Chinese blogs migrated from Zhihu here.


Sun, Y., Maeda, T. M., Solis-Lemus, C., Pimentel-Alarcon, D., & Burivalova, Z. (2022). Classification of animal sounds in a hyperdiverse rainforest using convolutional neural networks with data augmentation. Ecological Indicators, vol. 145, 2022, p. 109621., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109621

Work Experience

Research Experience

Teaching and Presentations

